Your wedding day has been and gone and you’re left wondering ‘how do I make my marriage work’? We’ve collected some of the best marriage advice and are sharing it with you in this blog so you can maintain the happy and loving connection that made you say “I do” in the first place.

1) Put your marriage first, respect and trust each other.

2) Love each other as you are. Don’t try to change your spouse or encourage them to be somebody other than the person you fell in love with.

3) Communicate: talk about things, the good and the bad. No two people agree on everything and that’s okay, but it’s important to be okay with each other’s differences.

4) Appreciate one another and show that appreciation when the other deserves it. Take the time to say thank you or write a thoughtful note.

5) Make time together a priority and budget for a date night once a week. Your spouse is always more important than your schedule.

6) Never lose the romance – hold hands, hug, kiss and compliment one another just like you did when you first met.

7) Make laughter the soundtrack of your marriage. Even in the hard times, find reasons to laugh with your spouse.

8) You are a team, you’re partners in everything so you’ll either win together or lose together.

9) Be your spouse’s biggest encourager and believe in one another. Work together to achieve your goals and support one another, especially when the other person needs your support most.

10) Remember – nobody is perfect. A “perfect marriage” is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.

11) Enjoy the adventure of marriage. Learn, travel, grow and build a happy life together.

The most important piece of advice, remember to always say “I love you” and make sure your partner is your best friend, no matter what.